Re: online photo hosting businesses, PBase


  • None.


At 23:05 -0500 2003-01-26, Gerald Oskoboiny wrote:
>But that kind of thing seems fairly expensive to do (lots of cpu,
>disk, bandwidth needed), and I bet supporting a site like this
>would become a full-time job fairly quickly, so I doubt I'll get
>around to it, except maybe on a very small scale. (start with
>friends, grow as time permits?)

So we have to define a requirements document with all the things you
need for a web album. It could be funny though to have the perfect
requirements document online.

many things here for the organization of information

Karl Dubost -
Pr�s de vous, madame, oubliant les cieux,
L'astronome �tonn� se trouble;
C'est dans l'�clat caressant de vos yeux,
Qu'il avait cru trouver l'�toile double.

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